Publication according to Article 4 (1) of REMIT – Urgent Market Messages (UMM)
The European Union has adopted “Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency” (REMIT) which promotes market integrity by fighting market abuse and which requires market participants to publish inside information to all market participants simultaneously and in an effective and timely manner.
Stadtwerke Lüdenscheid publishes urgent market messages (UMM) for its power generation facilities on this website and on ENTSO-E Transparency Platform.
UnitName | Location | Resource | MarketArea | Fuel | AffectedCapacity | AvailableCapacity | StartTime | EstimatedEndTime | LastUpdate | Reason |
HERDECKE_H6 | Herdecke, Germany | 11WD7HERD2G-H6-X | 10YDE-RWENET—I | Fossil Gas | 424 | 0 | 13.05.2019 05:00:00 UTC | 21.05.2019 04:00:00 UTC | 08.05.2019 08:19:55 UTC | B19 (geplant) |
PSW-ROENK-KW | Finnentrop, Germany | 11WD7GARE5X-PSWB | 10YDE-RWENET—I | Hydro Pumped Storage | 70 | 70 | 29.04.2019 UTC | 29.04.2019 06:00:00 UTC | 29.04.2019 05:19:54 UTC | B18 (ungeplant) |
HERDECKE_H6 | Herdecke, Germany | 11WD7HERD2G-H6-X | 10YDE-RWENET—I | Fossil Gas | 424 | 0 | 12.04.2019 22:00:00 UTC | 13.05.2019 05:00:00 UTC | 04.04.2019 07:30:01 UTC | B19 (geplant) |
HERDECKE_H6 | Herdecke, Germany | 11WD7HERD2G-H6-X | 10YDE-RWENET—I | Fossil Gas | 424 | 0 | 21.05.2019 04:00:00 UTC | 24.06.2019 05:00:00 UTC | 02.04.2019 07:40:02 UTC | B19 (geplant) |
HAGEN-KABEL-H45 | Hagen, Germany | 11WD7GARE5G-H45C | 10YDE-RWENET—I | Fossil Gas | 250 | 0 | 31.12.2016 23:00:00 UTC | 31.12.2019 23:00:00 UTC | 29.01.2019 08:54:59 UTC | B19 (geplant) |
HERDECKE_H6 | Herdecke, Germany | 11WD7HERD2G-H6-X | 10YDE-RWENET—I | Fossil Gas | 424 | 0 | 26.07.2019 20:00:00 UTC | 19.08.2019 05:00:00 UTC | 10.12.2018 11:30:07 UTC | B19 (geplant) |
HERDECKE_H6 | Herdecke, Germany | 11WD7HERD2G-H6-X | 10YDE-RWENET—I | Fossil Gas | 424 | 0 | 20.12.2019 21:00:00 UTC | 06.01.2020 06:00:00 UTC | 10.12.2018 11:27:06 UTC | B19 (geplant) |